Safety Measures to stop spread of COVID 19
- Classes will be limited to six learners to allow for 2 metre distancing
- Tutor will wear gloves and face mask to prepare tools
- A set of tools will be prepared for each learner and placed in their workstation along with clean apron
- All tools are dropped into disinfectant at end of session
- Where tools need to be shared hand sanitise will be available with tool.
- Learners will queue with two metre distance outside premise until previous learner has washed hands and been seated.
- Learners and tutor will wear masks to limit spread
- Learners will sit 1.5 metres apart
- All tools will be at learners’ workstations to limit learner’s movement
- Tutor will stay at her workstation
- Learners who need help will approach tutor
- All windows and doors will remain open to ventilate space
- Learners will wait at workstation until sink is free
- Learners will drop tools into bucket of disinfectant
- Learners will wash hands and dry hands using paper towels.
- Learner will return to workstation to collect belongings
- Learners will wait to leave until exit is clear
- Tutor will wear gloves and apron to remove each learner work to drying shelves
- Learners work will be left for at least 7 days to dry before being loaded into kiln
- All workstation will be cleaned including chairs
- Aprons will be washed after each use.
Risk Assessment for Hand-building Classes
Risk Assessment for Throwing Sessions